Color is an important extension of our brand expression. When used with consistency and purpose, color becomes the first thing that identifies any Launch-branded asset as “This is Launch.”
Our brand color identity is rooted in the multi-colored gradient of the Launch logo. It is a literal graphic representation of our bold and diverse company. Our color palette builds on the foundation of the gradient colors. Liberal use of our darker primary colors ensures we maintain the unexpected pop that comes from our accent colors.
Soothing Blue: #013760
Regal Violet: #5C2275
Neutral Gray: #565A5C
Black: #000000
Savage Magenta:
Unique Violet:
Optimistic Orange: #F64D05
Cool Blue:
Genuine Gray:
The Launch gradient is special, and how it is used should reflect that. There are two ways to use the gradient: in the Launch logo, and as the background to the title slide of a presentation. The gradient should never need to be recreated, as it is built into our logo files and presentation templates. This sparing use of the Launch gradient reduces color fatigue, ensuring greater longevity of the Launch logo and color palette.
Some of our clients have accessibility requirements built into the Master Service Agreements that legally guide the look of the assets we create. Even if that weren’t the case, ensuring that everything we create can be read by everyone is simply the right thing to do.
When it comes to color, achieving the proper contrast ratio between two colors is key to readability. Some of our colors have good contrast when used together, and some don’t. When pairing one color with another color, your best bet is to only pair one Accent or Light color with one Primary color. If you’re unsure, you can use an online tool such as the Adobe Color Contrast Checker to tell you with 100% accuracy whether the color contrast achieves the required level of accessibility.
Good contrast ratio:
Unacceptable contrast ratio: